The Man of Prayer - Pt.1

Jan 7, 2024    Pastor Regi Pope

Get ready for an exciting journey in 2024! πŸŽ‰ Are you eager to enrich your prayer life? We hope that's a big YES! πŸ™Œ Starting on the first Sunday of 2024, Pastor Regi is launching a dynamic new sermon series: "THE LIFE OF JESUS" πŸ“–.

We kick off with Part One, titled "The Man of Prayer," drawn from the synoptic Gospels - Matthew, Mark, and Luke. πŸ™ Dive into the Scriptures with Pastor Regi as he uncovers the profound prayer life of Jesus. Explore the close bond He maintained with His Heavenly Father, serving as the ultimate model for all Christians.

Join us and deepen your spiritual connection! πŸ’« #LifeOfJesus #ManOfPrayer #SundaySermon #SpiritualGrowth #2024Goals πŸ•ŠοΈ